Christian Education

Christian Education is an important part in the life of Tustin Presbyterian Church. We offer educational opportunities for both the young and the not so young.
Nursery and Toddler Care: For the very young children, nursery and toddler care is available from experienced caregivers during most activities so that parents of young children can participate in and enjoy these activities.
Children’s Ministries: Each Sunday the children attend the first portion of the worship service and stay until the Children’s Moment. They then are invited to attend Sunday School. The curriculum used in the Sunday School for the children is called Growing in Grace and Gratitude, published by the PC(USA).
Youth Ministries: TPC youth participate in Sunday morning activities and in social, service, and camping activities throughout the year. The Sunday School curriculum for the youth is Feasting on the Word, published by the PC(USA). For more information on youth activities, click here.
Adult Ministries: For the adults, adult education classes are normally scheduled following the worship service during the 11:00 a.m. hour. The classes address a wide variety of thought-provoking topics and vary in length from a single session to as much as six to eight weeks. This enables people to attend classes that are of particular interest to them and as their schedules allow. Classes are also occasionally scheduled at other times during the week for special topics. There are also opportunities for men and women to participate in small groups that meet on a regular basis. For more information on Adult Education programs, click here. For more information on small groups, click here.